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Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry

We created the brand strategy, slogan and visual identity for the Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry of the University of Zagreb. For more than 140 years, this unique higher education institution has been granting masters’ degrees in pharmacy, medical biochemistry and laboratory medicine, producing skilled health experts and researchers.

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Thanks to the high standard of education, the continuous opening of new opportunities for research, development and innovation, new generations of scientists and teachers are being educated at the Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, ushering it into a new era.

The backbone of the new brand story are the students and employees of the faculty who we see as carrying the light of excellence within, leaving a mark on society through their activities.

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“The Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry is a place where the most excellent young minds and experienced, professional lecturers meet. It is this combination that has been providing society with the best experts in the field of pharmacy and medical biochemistry for 140 years. The college’s tradition is deeply woven into its identity.

We provide students with a unique learning experience through quality education, scientific projects, and activities of student associations. We encourage the development of expertise through large scale scientific research projects. We are researching new medicines and new medical-biochemical diagnostics. We are creating a better future and improved society because the meaning of what we do is visible in the results we leave in our profession, in science, and in the wider community.

‘The meaning of a person’s life is worth as much as the value it leaves behind.’ These inspiring words from the legendary Fran Kušan, the first professor of Pharmaceutical Botany, point to the traces that remain behind every student and lecturer at the college. Being part of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry means exactly that — being ready to leave a mark. Leave your mark on the future.”

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Turning to the future and contributing to the development of society are further highlighted by the slogan “Leave your mark on the future”.

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The new visual identity is a typographic solution derived from the letters F, B and F. The letters in the sign are derived from three identical vertically placed rectangles and other rounded elements. By combining elements at a right angle with rounded elements, we made a solid, but also dynamic sign.

An additional logo with figures of St. Cosmas and St. Damian, the patron saints of pharmacists, was made with an engraving technique and is used on materials as a stamp in a circle. The visual identity is elegant and classic, with a hint of the future with the inclusion of contemporary visuals such as photos and illustrations.

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Brand Strategy & Creative Director: Anja Bauer

Senior Brand Consultant: Petra Despot Domljanović

Brand Consultant: Maja Đaković

Copywriter: Anja Bauer

Senior Brand Implementor: Jelena Mezga

Brand Consultant / Implementor: Matea Denona

Art Director, Designer: Maja Bagić Barić

Designer: Goga Golik

Motion Graphics: Andrej Todorovski

Illustration: Vedran Klemens