Kreirali smo brand strategiju, imena, slogane i vizualni identitet za data science kompaniju Scoop te za Yops, njihovu vlastitu platformu za digitalizaciju poljoprivrede. Scoop naprednom analitikom i strojnim učenjem osnažuje tvrtke u donošenju boljih odluka te unaprjeđenju poslovanja. Priča o brandu projicira važnost podataka u stvaranju jače budućnosti.
“Know your tomorrow, said no one ever.
We are in the business of empowering your tomorrow. Having relevant data today, creates a stronger tomorrow.
The farmer and the pharmaceutical engineer have one thing in common — growing produce and creating products today — to feed and heal the world tomorrow.
Data creates patterns we can follow like a well-trodden path, giving us answers about matters important for our business. By following the patterns we are following a clear-cut plan that delivers answers to all your relevant questions.
Our solutions are dependable, trustworthy and easily implemented, therefore count on us in empowering your future. Just like we rely on our knowledge in using data, you can rely on that data in making a stronger tomorrow. We’ll turn uncertain into certain, change the things for the better, empowering your tomorrow.
We are strong-minded, dedicated and focused on our goal of creating trustworthy data-driven solutions that build a stronger tomorrow.”
Scoop dolazi od eng. the scoop te predstavlja skup relevantnih podataka. Osmislili smo i novi slogan branda “Empower Your Tomorrow” kako bismo naglasili utjecaj naše tehnologije na budućnost.
U samom logotipu set relevantnih podataka prikazan je pomoću kvadrata unutar slova “O” i podsjeća na izgled pixela, najmanje jedinice podataka. Kvadratom (pixelom) unutar slova “O” je spomenuto slovo “osnaženo” i kao takvo nam ukazuje da prikupljanjem podataka dolazimo do osnažujućih odluka.
Yops je digitalna platforma za učinkovito upravljanje u poljoprivredi. Okosnica naše brand priče su relevantni podaci koji rezultiraju bogatim usjevima.
“We are on a mission to acquire data that increases profitability in agriculture. Tomorrow is looking sunnier than ever. Because nothing is ideal – our solutions answer questions about weather forecasts, what crops to grow, which fertilizers to use and how much, and all other ways of increasing crop yield and profit.
In order for farms to get to abundance, we’ll provide solutions that are easily interpreted and implemented for the busiest farmer. Smart decisions are made using data. Our people are dedicated, persistent, knowledgeable and understand that to create relevant solutions we need to put in the hours. Our field is not your field, but we know that our seed of knowledge will yield crops in your field. Data at your service for bountiful crops.
Data yields crops in your fields.”
Yops je kovanica riječi yield (prinos) i -ops (operacije) te govori o povećanju prinosa u poljoprivredi. S Yopsom je prinos snažniji, što komunicira i novi slogan branda „Your Productive Farming“.
Forma kvadrata iz Scoopa primijenjena je i u Yopsu. Ovdje je uokvireno slovo “Y”. Zelenom bojom kvadrata simboliziramo rješenja koja stvaramo za poljoprivredu.
Brand Strategy & Creative Director: Anja Bauer
Naming Consultant:Anja Bauer
Senior Brand Consultant: Petra Despot Domljanović
Brand Consultant: Maja Đaković
Copywriter: Anja Bauer
Senior Brand Implementor: Jelena Mezga
Art Director/Designer: Maja Bagić Barić