Frodo 6

The 3rd ingredient: Psychographics and brand positioning

Anja Bauer

16.02.2017 - 3 min

What if you were targeting women who didn’t feel like moving from their couch, have a memory of their strong legs and muscular arms because they used to do sports, they have the drive in them, but their motivation got lost on the way of becoming a mom and/ or satisfying ambitions at work – well, then you need to get them into “JUST DO IT” mood.

For a brand to inspire people – two things need to match well. Those are the wishes of the consumers – the psychographics with the brand positioning.

The right match between the two results in the changed perception in the mind of the consumer. All the strong brands have got this match right, i.e. Apple or Virgin and this is reflected in the stable and growing market shares. People want the brand to motivate, or challenge them. Just a glance at Nike and it’s obvious that it succeeds to motivate people even those who are tired and don’t want to move outside their comfort zone.

Froddo, a brand of kids’ shoes needed rebranding, because of their serious plans to export more footwear to the already saturated markets in the EU. Their competitors were in mature phases of the brand, communicating a unique and memorable image to the selected targets.

Our brand needed relevance, and this relevance needed to be implemented in the product as well, not just in the communication. Our insight was that parents believe their kids are unique and we agreed with them. The brand story narrates the beauty of childhood that is free, uninhibited, unboxed, natural, and muddy with scraped knees. Happy children are muddy with scraped knees and don’t always listen to the mom who nags at them to eat the apple. Happy children discover the world around them, how many worms fit into a small cup, how fast they eat a chocolate bar or climb the tree. Children who grow this way are not just happier adults but leave distinct footprints later in life.

This sort of story appeals to certain type of parents. We have defined this group of people as those who understand the value of “real” childhood and the right things it brings to kids – to make them happy and successful adults. The psychographic targeting in conjunction with the brand that is positioned as celebrating unique qualities in children – that is when you start changing the perception of the brand. In order to make the rebranding work, we have changed the appearance of the footwear; we have stripped off all the superfluous details, and made them playfully elegant. We have intervened in the product design and created sneakers that allow kids to personalize them however they see fit, whether with their name, cartoon, wherever their imagination takes them.

The match has positively influenced the growth of Froddo – 60% increase in international buyers.

If the match between the psychographics and positioning is stronger that much the impact on the consumer will be greater as shown in the market shares of all strong brands.