Voli Voli
We rebranded Tvornica dobre hrane, the first Croatian factory to produce dry pet food. We created a brand strategy, slogan, and visual identity, and gave it a new name – Voli Voli – meaning Love Love. With the new name, we communicate the two-way love between pets and their owners: the love a pet gives to her owner, but also the owner’s love for her pet.

Who loves Voli Voli? We all know that love goes through the stomach. Voli Voli represents mutual love between owners and their pets. With a series of first-person stories in which dogs and cats play the main role, we wanted to show a pet’s experience after entering a family. One was the story of Kio, the pet of Voli Voli’s owner.
“I’m Kio and I spin and spin in circles. My owners, Mauro and Maria found me caught in this whirlwind. But, they don’t mind me spinning or that I’m not the perfect dog. They say I changed their life, and I know they saved mine. They pet me and tell me I’m a good boy all the time. They chose me out of all the other dogs. Me! Just the way I am. I’m not perfect, but I love them perfectly.“
We return the love our pets give us through high-quality food, which is also the backbone of the new brand story:
“When pets enter a family, whether they are bought, found, or adopted, the whole family changes. A new pet comes with love, and brings love into the family. The young learn to love an animal that depends on them, and the old rekindle the care they once had for their young. Love is the biggest driver of change. As our pets love us, we want to return their love wholeheartedly.
When we are tired, sick, or weak, our pets are there, they love us unconditionally, they are happy to see us, they bark, they meow, they let us know how dear we are to them. Their love and our love is an experience we didn’t expect. It is love, and not our pets dependence, that matters and strengthens us. There isn’t a single pet owner disappointed with the love their pet gives them.”
“Pets love us. Just look at how they anticipate our return, as if we are their greatest gift, and how sad they are when we leave them. We are their entire world, and so it’s natural that we want to return their love and give them the best kind of care. We can love our pets not only with attention, care and daily walks but, perhaps most importantly, with high-quality food. We believe that through a balanced diet, recipes designed by experts, healthy and homemade food, we can provide our pets with all the necessary nutrients they need, letting us experience all the small joys, walks, and playtime together.”

Based on the brand strategy, we created a playful name – Voli Voli. We named the product lines to describe the many faces of love, such as Love for All, Everyday Love, Extra Special Love. With the brand’s new slogan “Give Love Back”, we communicate the return of love with high-value food. The logo was inspired by the mutual love between humans and pets. The sign consists of a simplified representation of the head of a dog and a cat together with a hand forming a heart shape. The pet’s eyes are shown in the shape of the letter “V” and refer to the brand name. The real stories of the owners and their pets were also the inspiration for the illustrations on the packaging.

Brand Strategy & Creative Director: Anja Bauer
Senior Brand Consultant: Petra Despot Domljanović
Brand Consultant: Maja Đaković
Naming Consultant: Anja Bauer
Copywriter: Anja Bauer
Senior Brand Implementor: Jelena Mezga
Brand Implementor: Matea Denona
Translation/Proofreading: Cody McClain Brown
Art Director, Designer: Maja Bagić Barić
Illustrator: Srđana Modrinić
Designer: Goga Golik
Web design: Roberta Stanić, Tin Šemnički
Account Manager: Tibor Jeličić Szorsen