We have created the brand strategy, brand slogan and visual identity for Monnai, a technology-driven global data platform with HQ in San Francisco and offices in Singapore and India.
Monnai’s founders Pierre and Ravish have lived and worked in 40 countries across 5 continents. Their aim is to make financial services accessible to everyone across the globe. People from developing countries, immigrants or gig workers can’t take part in the global digital economy. Around half of the world’s population doesn’t have sufficient access to credit. Monnai wants to change that. This was the backbone of our new brand story.
“We are a group of people who couldn’t be more different at first glance, coming from different continents, backgrounds, cultural and social surroundings, yet we have one thing in common – to provide our customers – and the businesses and individuals they provide services to – with opportunities to fulfill their potential so they can all lead remarkable lives.
We could have chosen to lead predictable lives where challenges don’t exist; instead we are driven to make a living that is extraordinary — whether creating a sustainable farm, running barefoot marathons, going to work in faraway places or working hard at attaining global experiences within the fintech and identity sector. We choose the path less travelled to gain relevant knowledge and experience to make Monnai strong and infallible. Today we have a global presence stemming from our strong experience in the US, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia.
We travel to the busy centers of finance, as well as to those faraway corners of the world, with the aim of enabling accurate insights into the financial potential of 5B+ consumers worldwide. We want businesses and individuals globally to have the opportunity to take part in the global digital economy so they can lead remarkable lives that resonate with contentment.”

The new brand slogan “Tapping Into Global Potential” suggests opening new frontiers – for fintechs to grow their business, for people to lead remarkable lives.
The foundation of the visual identity is a unique play with colors and shapes. The identity metaphorically tells a story about data, identity blocks and transactions and thus communicates Monnai’s core business. The symbol was derived from the combination of the letter M and the growth chart, and is repeated throughout the identity presenting an attractive illustration. Color transitions are an integral part of the visual identity and communicate fluidity, dynamism and growth.
Raising $3.15M in seed funding in October 2022, marked a perfect opportunity for the launch of Monnai’s new brand story and identity.

Brand Strategy & Creative Director: Anja Bauer
Senior Brand Consultant: Petra Despot Domljanović
Brand Consultant: Maja Đaković
Copywriter: Anja Bauer
Senior Brand Implementor: Jelena Mezga
Art Director/Designer: Siniša Sudar, Hana Vrca, Boris Vida
Illustrator: Marko Jovanovac
Web Designer: Roberta Stanić
Web Development: Q agency